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  • Post category:Research
  • Post last modified:March 24, 2017
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Despite the challenge posed by climate change to development in Nigeria, there is as yet no national policy on climate change, especially with respect to vulnerability and adaptation which are the key challenges that must be tackled. In order for policies and action programmes to be put in place research needs to be carried out. CPED under this theme will focus its action research primarily on vulnerability and adaptation in the wetland and coastal region of Nigeria. There are several research gaps in the understanding of vulnerability and adaptation of the poor primary producers at the local level to the impact of climate change in the wetland and coastal regions of Nigeria. These include: information on climate change and knowledge about impact of climate change. CPED’s research program on this theme during the TTI phase 2 period will entail the development of inter disciplinary research framework and development of the framework for robust adaptation strategies. The limited research on vulnerability assessment and adaptation issues is done mainly in the academic domain without strategies designed to engage policy and decision makers. Thus most of the existing studies have not bridge the gap between research and policy. The use of research in framing effective policy strategies requires close involvement of the key stakeholders and decision makers and also vulnerable population at every stage of the process and not as an afterthought. CPED’s research will be “demand driven”. Implementation of adaptation strategies requires a close involvement between the research and the stakeholder community in vulnerability assessment and adaptation strategies. CPED will closely engage with these stakeholders from the very beginning and at every stage of the project and not as an afterthought. In the context of CPED’s action research approach over the years, a number of pilot adaptation programnes will be carried out in the communities of the wetland and coastal region of Nigeria. Theses intervention programmes will be carried out with service providers in public and private sectors and civil society organizations. The specific problems to be addressed by the pilot activities will depend partly on the finding of the vulnerability assessment.