CPED Research Officers participate in Technical Workshop on Strengthening Capacities for Gender Analysis in Sub-Saharan African Countries” Kampala, Uganda
July 6-9, 2015
While mainstreaming gender in government policies and programs has been emphasised by most governments in Sub-Saharan African, the results so far are not impressive. This is partly explained by the limited analytical capacities to inform the policy process as well as gender programming. To this end, the Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) in collaboration with Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE) and, with financial support from International Development Research Centre (IDRC), organized a technical workshop to enhance the skills of researchers, academia and policy makers in gender analysis. The overall objective of this training workshop is to strengthen the capacities of researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and academia in gender analysis methods- both qualitative and quantitative- as a step towards more evidence-based policy making processes.The technical workshop took place from 6th-9th, July, 2015 in Lake Victoria Serena Resort, Lweza – Kampala, Uganda. The training was a combination of gender theory, methods and practical applications that entail a field visit related to the course to enhance the participants’ skills in qualitative data analysis as well.
There were four facilitators and twenty participants drawn from African countries that attended the training workshop. The facilitators for the training workshop were: Dr. Michele Mbo’o-tchouawou; Development and Gender Economist, from International Livestock Research Institute ( ILRI), Nairobi; Dr. Bruno Lule Yawe; Senior Lecturer , School of Economics, Makerere University, Uganda; Dr. Tabitha Mulyampiti, Senior Lecturer, School of Women and Gender Studies, Makerere University, Uganda and Dr. Margaret Kakande , Director, Ministry of Women Affairs, Uganda. The participants from CPED were Boris H. Odalonu and Ernest O. Imongan. The workshop kicked off on the 6th of July and ended on the 9th of July 2015.