CPED has four major organs designed to achieve its mission as follows:
- Board of Trustees
- Committee of Fellows
- Management
CPED has a Board of Trustees that comprise of people who have got to the top of their careers and are mainly interested in helping the poor especially those in the remote areas of Nigeria to solve their problems, which public authorities have failed to do over the years.
The Board of Trustees has the responsibility of assisting the organization in raising funds for its activities and in monitoring all its programs and expenditure. The Board meets regularly to review the projects of the Centre. For every major project some members with relevant experience are assigned to supervise the management of the project.
As an organization that works in many areas of sustainable development, such as education, health, environment, conflict management, capacity building, micro credit, democracy and good governance to mention just a few, CPED has a committee of fulltime, associate, honorary fellows, and visiting fellows that re appointed to various specialized research and intervention programs of CPED. They comprise Nigerian-based researchers and those based abroad. The fellows are involved in the various research, advocacy and intervention projects of CPED both at the proposal development stage and during execution. Most members of the Board of Trustees are also Fellows of the Centre since they are involved in some of the action research and intervention project activities that re in their area of specialization. CPED at present has 30 fellows with considerable experience in environmental and human aspects of poverty alleviation activities.

The management team is saddled with the responsibility of:
- Implementing policies of the Board of Trustees
- Preparing work plans of running projects
- Internal/External relations
The routine management of CPED is carried out in five Divisions as follows:
- Research Division
- Training Division
- Intervention Project Implementation Division
- Advocacy Division
- Administrative and Financial Division
- The Executive Chairman of the Centre is the head of the management of CPED and he supervises the overall activities in each of the divisions